Kildir Technologies

Measurement and Aerial imagery products and services

with images,
with satellites

Integrated Surveying and Position Measurement Packages
GNSS receivers
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Drone based
aerial surveys
Kildir offers a UAV-based aerial photographic survey service
Positioning and navigation products
GNSS receivers, measurement and positioning systems
Note: EMLID products are no longer offered but technical support is still offered on these products
New: try pointweb!
For a few years, I have been studying the Python language and I have developed several utility scripts, without being able to make them accessible to my clients because they had to have access to this program execution environment.
I took advantage of the excellent Proj component library which allows calculations and conversions of coordinates. The little jewel of which I am proud allows to calculate, from the coordinates of a point in latitude, longitude, altitude, all its equivalents, it is called pointcoords.py
Warning: For Canada only
Recently I managed to put pointcoords.py on a computer which is exposed to the internet and applies the same command syntax to a web hyperlink. It will provide you with all the information relating to a landmark within the geographical limits of Quebec. For example, for the small GPS test station on the roof of my office, the result will be the following display:
2023.01.11 10:19:23
pointweb V2.01
Kildir Technologies
No liability on results
Point: Kildir
Geographical Coordinates
Latitude: 046.790882490°
046° 47' 27.17696"
071° 11' 01.93451"
3D (ECEF) Coordinates
X: 1410980.2590
Y: -4140905.8420
Z: 4625916.8220
Altitudes (0 if unavail.)
Ellipsoidal: 0051.6896
CGVD28 (2010): 0079.8380
Und CGVD28-2010:-0028.1484
CGVD28 (1997): 0079.8643
Und CGVD28-1997:-0028.1747
CGVD2013: 0079.5013
Undul. CGVD2013:-0027.8117
MTM Zone 7 Coords
X: 0252590.2415
Y: 5183708.3710
UTM Zone 19 Coords
X: 0333325.7614
Y: 5184241.8024
Have fun and let me know if it meets your expectations!
The following command will provide you with the instructions:
Andre Verville

The Kildeer Plover
A passion for Earth measurement
We have to go back into mankind history to seize its special relationship with its living space on a planet called Earth. At all times, Men worked hard trying to represent correctly its environment and his explorations results using maps. Pursuing this objective, a lot of energy has been spent to improve and enhance the various tools and measuring devices he could make good use of.
The possibility to elevate himself at a good distance from the surface of the Earth and to record images of it now more than a century old. Computers, digital sensors, satellites and all the technology are now considered as given but we can only imagine Champlain, Jacques Cartier, Christopher Columbus, Mercator and all others experiencing hyper-ventilation realizing how indifferent we are to those tools in our daily activities without really taking care. There are, however, still many passionate people that have kept this internal flame for navigation, maps and other forms of the World's representation, contributing to improve our own understanding of this formidable spatial vessel that this planet represents.
It is in that exact state of mind that Kildir Technologies provides its humble contribution, inspired by the Kildeer plover bird. Small, nesting on the ground and somewhat vulnerable, this prairie bird contributes to ecosystems and diversity. Few people can recognize it but its song is very familiar to us and makes us feel good knowing wildlife is around us on planet Earth.
André Verville, QLS, owner